Learning About Child Care

The Top Questions To Ask Before Your Baby’s First Day Of Infant Care

Is this your first experience with infant care services? If you're new to daycare, take a look at the questions to ask before your baby's first day. When Can You Drop Off and Pick Up Your Child? What are the daycare center's hours? Some centers have an open drop-off/pick-up schedule. This means you can bring your child to and from daycare any time during the center's open hours. Before you assume that it's acceptable to drop your infant off mid-morning or after lunch, ask the center's staff. Read More 

The Search For Child Care–Don’t Forget Potty Training!

Searching for child care for your young children can be nerve-wracking. There are many things to take into consideration when looking! Common considerations tend to be safety, affordability, hours of operation, and proximity to work or home. One thing that may slip your mind is how the provider approaches potty training. This is important if you have a young child in the process of potty training or who will start potty training soon. Read More 

Interesting In Fostering Children? 4 Things To Do Before Becoming A Foster Parent

Foster parents play an important role in society. Foster parents help give children who are in crisis and in unsafe situations a safe place to go. They provide a safe environment for children who need it. Foster parents do not just pop-up, though; people have to be willing to step up and become foster parents. Gather Information About the Foster Process The first thing you should do if you want to become a foster parent is to gather information about the fostering process in your state. Read More 

4 Tips To Help Your Child Get Over Their Fears About Preschool

In general, people enjoy routines, and children are no exception. Routines are comforting, safe, and familiar. Deviating from their routine can make children feel anxious, which can lead to tears and tantrums. Many children initially don't like preschool because it's such an unfamiliar experience, but you can make a difference as a parent. Here are four tips you can use to help your child get over their fears about attending preschool. Read More 

Getting A Child Comfortable With Going To Preschool

Going to preschool for the first time can be scary for a young child who's not used to being away from his or her parents. However, preschool is an ideal way to get your child ready to attend elementary school at the rightful age as per the laws in your state. Taking a few measures to prepare your child for his or her first day of preschool can make the experience much more enjoyable. Read More